
2017年9月10日 835点热度


排查过程1:使用其他离线博客发布程序(open live writer)更新wp文章,不会重复上传图片。因此认为是wiz客户端问题,特来求助,望回复,感谢。






在 wp-config.php 中新增了一个变量 WP_POST_REVISIONS,把它设置为 false 就可以屏蔽 WordPress 文章修订功能。

具体修改位置在 wp-config.php 的require_once(ABSPATH . ‘wp-settings.php’);前添加代码如下:


  • true(默认)或者 -1:表示保存所有修订版本;
  • false或者0:表示不保存任何版本(除了自动保存的版本);
  • 大于0的整数n:表示保存n个修订版本(+1只保存自动保存版本),旧的版本将被删除。


What about image revisions – do they multiply too?

In a word, yes. In fact, most WordPress users are unaware that every time they edit an image edit, such as cropping or applying a filter, another version of that image is stored in their WordPress uploads folder. If they make a further edit, yet another copy is created. And In no time at all, our image uploads folder can become very bloated.

For websites that are image intensive, this tip is very useful. It will certainly contribute towards keeping your uploads folder manageable in size. It is an especially beneficial addition to the wp-config.php file if you are a photographer or online store administrator.

How does it work?

By inserting the following constant into your wp-config.php file, we’re able to stop images from multiplying, unnecessarily.

  • When we edit an image, WordPress will create a new image, and will leave the original image unchanged. Next time we edit, WordPress will be instructed to overwrite the first set of images, as opposed to creating an entirely new set.

Note: If you’re adding the code to an existing WordPress installation, it will not remove images that are already stored in your uploads folder.

